
by Somsak J.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/26/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781452041582
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781452041575
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781452041568

About the Book

This volume explores the underbelly of foreign aid - one country's assistance to another - from three levels, some of which are not totally on the level.  You've got your international policy level, your between-the clouds-and ground practice level, and your personal emotional level.  Policy may appear unreal.  It is.  Practice may appear rather confused.  It is.  Individual emotions are,

well, a complicating factor. 


The story might appear anthropological.  Even anthropomorphic [meaning animals with human traits], or possibly atavistic [you might say giving humans beastly traits].  So be it.  Metaphors are metaphors and facts are facts. And this book is based on more of the latter than the former.  The locations are where they are, but not always clearly specified.


The humor is rife.  Don't let it detract from the facts.  The sadness is lamentable but integral.  On all levels.  Beasties aside, this is non-fiction, for the most part.  The very most part.  These things happened, happen for the most part.  They are happening still with no sign of declension, grammatically or actually.


The premise of this book is:  Things ain't always what they seem.  The conclusion is: Things ain't always what they seem. So?  Like the author, keep on looking.

About the Author

Somsak J. has survived the sprinkling of foreign aid and monsoon rains in a number of 'mysterious' Eastern countries, as well as the age-old enlightened beliefs and cultures therein. He's also survived love & love lost.  Through these times gone by, he has learned to severely question authority.  And found that 98% of authority is questionable.  And tends to survive it all with food, drink, and a sense of humor.