“A Life Lived: My Faith, My Life, My Purpose.”

by Ms. La’Camii Victoria Renee Ann Ross



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/23/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781452063959
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781468594027

About the Book

Do you know you have a purpose - an assignment-in life that only you can fulfill? The world awaits YOU. A Life Lived: My Faith, My Life, My Purpose takes you on a journey of self-discovery with a young lady who embraced her purpose to transform and dazzle the world. Through La'Camii's writing, she teaches nothing truly can hold you back from releasing IT to the world - not your age, gender, background, social status, or tribulation. This book recounts the life of a gifted girl as she grows into an accomplished young lady who in a short span of time learned to define and achieve her own greatness. Daughter and mother share their life lessons on love, passion, tranquility, heart ache, spirituality, and purpose. A Life Lived: My Faith, My Life, My Purpose will inspire you to live in the moment. It is a triumph story of great faith and a healing balm to comfort in different times - even the passing of a great love. The mother shares her personal struggles to cherish the memories while embracing the future. She speaks of her need to protect her daughter then and even now. These works of poetry and letters remind us to live consciously and victoriously. La'Camii only graced this earth for 20 years, yet she touched thousands. She lived her life helping and challenging others to find their purpose. Are you living the life you were born to live? The world in waiting

About the Author

As a child, La'Camii was shy, insecure and very soft spoken.  She had no idea what she was destined for.  She attended a newly formed military academy through Jr. High and High School.  Here she learned discipline and gained confidence and respect for herself and others.  She became a person of integrity and saw only goodness in everyone she met.  By now, she had developed a very strong relationship with God and became a living example of goodness.  She struggled with her weight but refused to let it identify her as a person.  Instead, she went on an individual mission to make a difference in the lives of everyone she came in contact with.  She never met a stranger and wanted everyone to exceed their potential.

By the time she enrolled in UC Santa Cruz, she was well on her way to greatness.  She found her voice.  In "A Life Lived: My Faith, My Life, My Purpose", you will get a glimpse into this extraorinary life.  Her hopes, her dreams, her Mom and family and her unwavering faith in God are revealed.  Every so often, we have the privilege of sharing in the life of someone so special where we really do not realize the profound impact of the person until they are gone.  La'Camii was such a person.  I am her Godmother and I hope you are inspired to find your voice and follow your star.