Plateau Ivory 10,000

Down With Destiny

by Ruwanthi W Sirisena



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/7/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 528
ISBN : 9781452065908

About the Book

It is all about the human crave to grab the glistening gold or sparkling diamonds. Can they pay the price for the diamonds and live with that! Big sacrifice of the Monarch could make him a hero but can his father let his only son die even if it would make him an eternal hero! He was after all his only son who cuddled in his hands and sculpted to a better person than he himself ever was. It was a father’s devotion, obsession and compulsion to save his son from the dire destiny set by someone invisible and immortal. DIRE DESTINY set by someone invisible and immortal. How far a father would go to save his child! Can he fight with the evil reverie grabbed his soul!

About the Author