And It Was Full of Light!

Finding the courage to overcome homophobic bullying and hate

by Robert W. Littlefield



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/7/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 372
ISBN : 9781452054926
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 372
ISBN : 9781452054933
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 372
ISBN : 9781452054940

About the Book

Bobby Fowler is the first and only out gay kid at Dunston High School. Unathletic and small for his age, Bobby was orphaned soon after moving from New England to Dunston, a ranching town in central Texas, just before freshman year. Deeply scarred from a near-fatal beating during sophomore year, Bobby finds solace in his drums, composing music, and his two closest friends. Only two types of students go to Dunston High School, according to his soul mate, Chloe: football players, and those who adore them. And Bobby, along with every girl in school and every woman in town, for that matter, adores one football player in particular. Kyle Faulkner, the star quarterback, has it all, and not just because his heroics brought home a state championship to his football-crazed town. With stunning good looks, a muscular physique, a dazzling Hollywood smile and a winning personality, it's no surprise that Kyle is a god in school. Kyle, along with everyone else, thinks of himself as the ultimate straight boy, the guy every girl wants to date. But Kyle has secret that he can't even admit to himself. He never asks himself why he sneaks peeks at the Gay Kid or why he dreams of wrapping his arms around him. But just a few weeks before graduation, Kyle finds out why during an unexpected and violent encounter with Bobby. It is an encounter which causes Kyle to admit the unthinkable. And unless Bobby can convince him there is a way out of the trap he thinks he's in, their encounter will lead to a terrifying climax that could cost both boys their lives.

About the Author

Robert W. Littlefield has written his first novel to be a beacon of hope for gay kids and gay men everywhere. Living in Massachusetts, the first to legalize marriage equality for gays and lesbians, he recognizes that it is easy to overlook the struggles, the pain, and the loneliness of gay kids elsewhere. Some of them really do pull the trigger. Although written to appeal to people of all ages, he hopes that his story will inspire just one gay kid to survive and to discover that God loves them and that their lives can be filled with true happiness. Littlefield spent several weeks in central Texas doing research for this story. He discovered the powerful role that high school football plays in their communities, and found the land they call Texas Hill Country to be a surprisingly wonderful and beautiful place. He is grateful for the friendliness, openness, and the hospitality of the many Texans he encountered. It is a special place. Now retired after a long career as a technology project manager, he lives in Provincetown, Massachusetts.