The Articles of Configuration
The Genesis Project
Book Details
About the Book
The Articles of Configuration: What happened before Genesis began? The scriptures amazingly describe the material building blocks of the earth before our earthly sphere was formed. But, even more amazing, is that the invisible blueprints describing the formation of the universe and its lifeforms are hidden in plain sight in the scriptures—in the form of flashback descriptions of what happened before Genesis 1:1. The problem of mankind understanding these blueprints has been that advancements in science were necessary to understand what has been written from antiquity.
Science and theology has been locked together in a mighty struggle of ideas. The process, at times, has been ugly as a caterpillar chomping on leaves, regurgitating and trying to build a cocoon of how the universe is really constituted. But this cocoon, like the human brain, has an inside tension between left brained logic and right brained dreaming. A mighty struggle ensues and at last a butterfly emerges from the cocoon and its glistening wings dry in the sun.
As the butterfly discovers its destiny and ascends in flight into the brilliant blue sky filled with fluffy white clouds, a serene revelation of peace envelops the butterfly. It realizes that its one wing of science and its other wing of theology are working in harmony under a Master control. Thrilled and awed, the butterfly uses both wings to ascend far above worldly ideas into realms that it once only dreamed of.
About the Author
Carl Armstrong is a native of Missouri and an engineering graduate of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. He, and his wife Connie have five children and have lived in Texas, North Carolina, Tennessee and they currently reside in southeast Missouri. They live on the farm where Carl spent his childhood and have restored their 1795 farm home which has an interior log cabin.
He has worked with a number of companies producing medicines, organics, and farm products. He is president of a land corporation. Carl has a strong interest in both scientific and spiritual studies and has gone on Christian missionary trips to Haiti and Africa. He has also traveled to Israel to gain an appreciation of the context of the scriptures.