About the Author
Mr. Davis can recall lying down in an open field of grass at four or five years of age and looking up in wonder at the vastness of the sky. "I was contemplating the enormity of the universe and how perfectly it all worked together and decided at that moment there must be a God. How else could something so big and complex begin to work so well together in perfect harmony without there being a master of design?"
Mr. Davis says his early ideas about God were not the result of growing up in a religious family. He had nothing to do with the church while growing up and had no exposure to personally knowing God. His keen interest in his study of God came to him much later in life.
Mr. Davis did not have the easiest of beginnings. He was considered a troublesome child and was punished quite often by his parents and the school. He didn't grow up with the best of self images and got caught up in the drug scene when he was fourteen years old. "The drug scene would have killed me except I realized I was going to die and decided I definitely wanted to live." He got serious help and with a lot of hard work was able to give up the drugs. He went back to school to finish college and earned a degree in Behavioral Science.
"I always had a keen interest in how life works the way it does and what it is that can sometimes make a man behave so irrationally?" He has been looking at life from these perspectives for most of his life and says the answers to such questions represent his motivation for writing the book. He then credits his knowledge for his writings to God as, "Any wisdom I've acquired comes from God as all wisdom originates with God."
CHAPTER 1: The Cunning and Deceit of Evil . . . Who Controls the Mind?
What is evil exactly and how can it control one’s mind? The American Heritage Dictionary defines evil as: 1. morally bad or wrong; wicked; malevolent; sinful; an evil tyrant; 2. causing an undesirable condition, as ruin, injury, or pain; harmful. In summation, what we have is “an evil tyrant causing ruin, injury and pain.” Evil can come in many packages. Anyone who has the state of mind of a tyrant and is going about causing pain, ruin and injury could be defined as evil. In this world, we are all subject to moments and times of behaving in such a manner.
With most of us, this kind of behavior is the exception to the rule. In general, we are kind, considerate, helpful, forgiving and capable of giving in love. We usually become evil in manner when something existing outside us has the means to really upset us. We go through an experience that proves to us to be ugly and disconcerting and the remnants from the experience find a way of getting inside our very make up and remaining inside our head. This will tend to cause us to react rigorously in time from the inside, and/or to explode aggressively from the outside. We might go home and kick the dog.
It is with these types of internal conditions that we all become capable of becoming quite defensive, controlling and hostile. We can be filled with hatred and meanness and are capable of becoming violent and destructive. The question we intend to answer is, “Where exactly does all of this irrational and illogical behavior come from?”
The obvious answer is it comes from you. Are you not responsible for your behavior? Are you not able to choose your course of action? Of course you are . . . but, then there is that bit of something from outside you that stimulates that bit of something inside you. At times your reactions to it seem to be beyond your control. When this condition is really severe, we may call it a compulsion or an addiction. Sometimes you may find yourself asking, “Am I just crazy or what?” The answer again is “of course you are,” but in limited degrees. You are not alone!
Enter Satan. The dictionary defines Satan as, “The devil;” and defines the devil as, “The major spirit of evil, ruler of hell, and foe of God.” A rather precise description, I think. The New King James Version of the Bible says of Satan, “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.” And there we have it; Satan competing with God in his worthiness.
Since Satan has fallen from heaven, never to return, it appears that he can only have access to a planet like earth to have dominion over. Satan wants to be like God. Since you exist in competition with him in attaining power on planet earth, he sees you as one of his enemies. His goal is to eliminate you from having any chance at all.
When I refer to Satan, I am not talking about a bull-like creature that stands upright; with two horns sticking out of his head, a long tail with an arrow-like-tip at the end of it and one who breathes fi re. Again, I am not talking about such a creature! What I am talking about is pretty much in line with the dictionary’s definition, “The major spirit of evil, ruler of hell and foe of God.” Add to the end of this definition the statement “put into a continuous motion of action against you” and you have what I call “the mechanical workings of the spirit of evil.”
As for me, Satan represents the perpetual workings of evil that is working through automated processes in order to promote a living hell in the life of man. Much of the working of evil is about cause and effect. We become the effects of our bad choices. Satan exists in a spiritual realm and his continuous workings are designed to get inside your mind, and he does so from your earliest beginnings.
Just as you can’t see God in Spirit, you can’t see the spirit of Satan. Just because you can’t see either one doesn’t mean they don’t exist. They do exist but they exist in a spirit of universal proportion and as such they have vast powers of creativity. They have created things that were far beyond the workings that have been known to man. We can perceive their workings in that we can perceive the laws of the universe. As an example, take one of Isaac Newton’s laws, “For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.” This is a universal principle and can be shown as a working example for things that are good and for the things that have transformed from good to bad. The principles of evil work in a like-wise fashion when the things that are good are made to be bad.
The laws of our universe were in place long before we knew about them. We eventually discovered them, learned about them and then we learned to talk about them with authority. But in no way did we have anything to do with their creation. Universal laws are God’s creation and His domain. We can simply cooperate with His laws from that which are good and experience positive consequences or we do not cooperate from our ignorance and/or neglect. And when we are out of line with these laws, we are made to suffer and at our own expense. All of the universal laws that are working for good or for bad will continue to exist whether we know of them or not.
Likewise, Satan exists whether we are aware of him or not. He has been operating in this world since the beginning of time and the results that come from his manipulations is the destruction of our lives. We have given him easy access to our minds and it is through the mind that he has gained at least some control over our lives. This is largely due to the fact that we have not known about him and his operation. We need to know him up and personal because he has been operating in our lives since day one and we haven’t had a clue.