Rage to Redemption

One Man's Journey From a Jail Cell to Real Freedom

by Joseph W. Hahne



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/20/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781456746858
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781456746872
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781456746865

About the Book

Of the 17 years Joe spent living an out of control life on the edge, five of those years resulted in time behind bars in various county jails and prisons in three different states. It was during these times when he found himself locked up that Joe wrote hundreds of poems as a release from the many emotions he experienced while incarcerated. The poems shared in Rage to Redemption were compiled and published in the order in which they were originally written. If you choose to read the poems in order from front to back, you will actually see a life transforming through the words on these pages. The book as a whole tells a beautiful story that starts with much despair and unfolds into a life of love, faith, hope and joy. While Rage and Redemption has a spiritual base, it also contains some graphic imagery that portrays where the author's frame of mind was during his darkest hours. This book is full of pain, loneliness, inspiration and redemption. There is something for everyone in this poetry, even if you are not a traditional poetry fan. They are real poems that were written by a real man who deals with real issues. Take a minute to read some of this work. We're sure you too will find something that touches you.

About the Author

Joseph William Hahne grew up in rural Southwest Missouri and was, by all appearances, the all-American boy. He came from a great family, lived and worked on a ranch, and was a hometown sports hero with good grades. As a teenager, however, this wasn't enough. Joe craved acceptance from his peers and started experimenting with drugs and alcohol as an avenue to achieve this goal, but found that even this wasn't enough. He kept pushing the limit to find the next high that was better than the last. As a young adult, he found himself lost in a dark, out of control world of drugs, deceit, manipulation, and violence that resulted in 12 felony charges and 7 felony convictions. In 2008, while locked up in a solitary confinement jail cell, he made the decision to reach out to Jesus and found forgiveness, love and hope. Today he lives a life devoted to sharing the love of Jesus with others and helping them turn their lives around as Executive Director of Archangel Outreach Ministries, Inc. He also is a Pastor at The Healing Place Worship Center, a Church in Forsyth MO dedicated to helping those with similar stories get back on their feet and turn their lives around.