IMF, World Bank & ADB Agenda
Colombo Port Bunkering Privatisation
Book Details
About the Book
`Colombo Port Bunkering Privatisation'
It is an `eye opener' on socio-political realities, of those holding selected and elected influential and powerful public office, including Secretary, Finance Ministry, P.B. Jayasundera, compromising national and public interest, with scant regard for the `rule of law', and hollow dictates by international agencies, on governance, transparency and level playing field.
President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, in a Memorandum to Cabinet Ministers opposed this privatization. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe disregarding the President had pushed the deal, with his Advisor, former Secretary, Ministry of Finance, R. Paskaralingam; approved by Economic Sub-Committee of Cabinet, including Finance Minister, K.N. Choksy, PC.
It reveals condoning of fraud and corruption by confidantes of those at helm in a country; with governments and society uninhibitedly bestowing upon corrupt miscreants, even more recognition and position, without arraigning them, as warranted, before the law; President Mahinda Rajapakse re-appoints, P.B. Jayasundera, Secretary, Finance Ministry / Secretary Treasury. Susantha Ratnayake, continues as Chairman, John Keells, and helms Ceylon Chamber of Commerce; appointed Chairman, Sri Lanka Tea Board, by Government
New Chief Justice, J.A.N. de Silva and other Supreme Court Judges act to accommodate necessity of President Mahinda Rajapakse, when P.B. Jayasundera is permitted to be re-appointed to same powerful position. A sole woman, Justice Shiranee Tilakawardena courageously dissents, upholding principles of moral turpitude and democracy to keep organs of State within the law - `anyone would balk at such re-appointment'; 2 pages of Judgment suppressed from media.
About the Author
Nihal Sri Ameresekere
A multi-disciplinary professional, exposed to private and public sectors, and a public interest activist, with wide international exposure. Not a legal professional, yet has appeared in person before the Supreme Court, successfully advocating public interest litigations. He is a forensic accounting investigative specialist. Has dispassionately spoken out on matters of national and public interest. Ardently upholds the sacred precept, that public property is solely of the people, and managed in fiduciary trust by governments; transgression of which he has committedly combated.
Has published exposés into transactions carried out, under the aegis of IMF, World Bank and ADB privatization agenda, incisively analyzing real case studies, exposing the shockingly dubious manner, in which privatizations have been perpetrated by the highest levels, disclosing the alarming indifference of international developmental agencies, completely eroding public confidence, crucial for meaningful privatization, to foster a free economy, characteristic with transparency.
He emphasizes that `economic terrorism' germinates `armed terrorism', resulting in violation of human rights. `Concerns of humanity, transcends interests of nationality', he propounds; and that poverty alleviation schemes merely replace, at the cost of the poor, their own resources pillaged and plundered by socio-politically influential. Politicians vigorously campaign on election platforms, vociferously decrying fraud and corruption, vowing stringent action thereon. However, upon assuming office of government, get bogged down in the very quagmire of fraud and corruption, invariably peddled by powerful multinationals - as lucidly demonstrated through a series of other publications on his real life experiences thereon.