Love Ordinary

It’s a Relationship Thing

by Sharon W. Perkins



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/2/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781456746315
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781456746322
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781456746339

About the Book

When I started writing this book I had a broken heart. I was in pain; I was suffering. I had been disappointed before, but I had never had my heart broken. It was a crushing and painful experience. As this book goes to print, I am no longer broken in spirit or heart. One man broke my heart; another whom I was calling on and believing in all along gave me hope and a renewed spirit. I now understand what is meant by the phrase “hurting people hurt other people.” Even more so, I understand and believe in His ability to bring an end to an issue where we see no end in sight. I can truly say I am better and not bitter over the whole experience. I can say that I am able to love freely again. These short stories are both my joy for my husband and my pain from his actions as well as my calls on a higher power to help me through.

About the Author

SHARON W. PERKINS, a native of Montgomery, Alabama, eventually relocated with her family to Northwest Indiana where she blossomed into a uniquely beautiful and intuitive young woman. She continued to grow and explore as she went off to college at Indiana University (IU), Bloomington. There she became a focused and educated woman ready to make a diff erence in the world.

Upon her return from IU, while shopping at a local supermarket, she was reunited with an old boyfriend -- now her husband. The adventure to life’s lessons and blessings began with this journey, which she chose to share with the man she held a special place for. During life’s journey they grew together through the many trials and tribulati ons that this road we all travel together carries. Completing many dreams, they were gift ed with Kismet, Josef and Jheremy along with the immeasurable knowledge gained simply from the experience of this journey.