Love Eternal

by Lynn Marie Penedo



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/9/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781452070445
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781452073255
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781452070438

About the Book

On a usual night out with her friends, Angelique's life changes forever. She falls in love with a vampire when he enters the bar capturing her attention along with all the other women in the bar but he choses her. After spending the whole night together, Christian offers her the chance of forever youth. Angelique accepts his proposal without hesitation. As the time passes by, Angelique learns about her new life. Her love for Christian intensifies each day, and she cannot imagine living without him. But unknown to both of them, Christian has a son, Michael, who is planning a way to kill his father. Living with the truth of having a vampire father brings nothing but unhappiness to Michael. When he finds Christian, Angelique is unable to stop him and she can only weep as she witnesses her most beloved burned to ashes. Follow Angelique and her journey with Christian and their eternal love. This is the first book of a trilogy. Look for Book Two coming soon!

About the Author

An avid reader she has actively pursued writing as a career since grade 4. A graduate of Rhode Island College she moved from New England to South Florida where her writing trived in the sun. She currently lives in South Florida and is working on the second book of this series.