The complete guide to inexpensive Ideaing

by Mark A. McKitrick



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/21/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781452098616
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781452098609
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781452098593

About the Book

This book
was created to inspire
and guide inventors in their creative
journey from idea conception (and capital
procurement) to product production. Included
are exclusive, valuable patent, business plan, and
brochure templates that will facilitate the completion of
critical steps along the way. You will also be provided your
own web site for no additional charge. This guide will take
you step by step through the development process, and
will help you avoid the obstacles and pitfalls that hamper
(or destroy) most inventors. In the real world, the in-
vention business can be a very expensive and time
consuming venture. In these pages, you will
be given the knowledge and resources that
will enable you to bring your product to
market at a substantially lower cost.
Th e key is to not cut corners; but
avoid dead ends. Spend money,
but don’t waste it. By reading
this guide, you can conceive,
develop, fund, and produce
your product in a sensible,
aff ordable, and enjoyable
way. If you’ve read this
far, you’ve probably got
an idea in your head.
Go for it!

About the Author

Mark McKitrick is an entrepreneur who has been involved in many start-up ventures, one of which was a manufacturing company that began in his basement with $1,000 in capital. He designed, built, and sold environmentally-friendly office furniture, which he eventually sold worldwide (to the tune of $8MM per year). He is an active contributor to news media and has appeared on CNBC, QVC, Fox News, and in many written publications. Currently, Mark designs and sources products for various companies and individuals, and owns a service business involved with green technology.