These Are All Words

A Collection of Love Poetry

by W. Ellingtone



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/16/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781456783136

About the Book

“These Are All Words” is a collection of poems that are intertwined with the subject of love. This group of artistic notes relates human emotion to the divine philosophy of love.

“Love” can be a daunting issue -simultaneously – it is a healing tool. The poems are moulded around general life experiences depicting that we are captives of love from the day of conception even though we tend to live in denial. In other words, love seems to be the reason for our desire to exist. We linger in pain and strife trying to find a remedy for our troubled souls. We become bitter as we harden our hearts, lose trust, are constantly feeling betrayed and blame everyone around us for the emptiness that engulfs us.

“Love” creates peace within us and our goals and purpose are meaningless when we feel distant from this enigma. There is so much to learn about love and the best teacher is yourself. Love is a spiritual journey that makes us look forward to a mysterious future, see the past as history and accept the present as a gift from God.

About the Author

W. Ellingtone is a United Kingdom based writer. He was born in Harare and received his education at St Ignatius College, Prince Edward School, Richmond The American International University in London & The British Open University.