American Heroes Coming Out from Behind the Badge

Stories from Police, Fire, and EMS Professionals “Out” on the Job

by Greg Miraglia



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/31/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781452076294
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781452076270
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781452076287

About the Book

Imagine working in a job you always dreamed of having and working in a career that excites and fulfills you in every way. Consider what it would be like to be highly successful in your work, admired by your peers, but always fearful that if anyone you work with discovered your secret, it could all be over. This is what it is like to be a closeted gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender member of law enforcement. And in the fire service and emergency medical services profession, the condition is even worse because of the common housing situation required while working a 24 to 48 hour shift.

It’s true that society as a whole has become more accepting of gay and lesbian people, but homophobia continues to be pervasive in much of the public safety arena. Most states still do not have any employment protection against harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation. Imagine being fired from the job you love because of who you are.

American Heroes Coming Out From Behind The Badge is Greg Miraglia’s second book intended to show examples of how police officers, firefighters, and EMS professionals have been able to come out and be successful on the job. The stories come from across the country and tell of a very personal and courageous journey. They are intended to both inspire and educate. The book contains a section on how to come out as well as a section with resources and associations supporting LGBT public safety professionals.

This book is ideal for anyone who is struggling to come out as well as for straight allies who want to learn more about how to support their LGBT colleagues.

About the Author

Greg Miraglia is a veteran member of law enforcement with nearly three decades of experience serving three different police departments while rising to the rank of deputy chief. He has been teaching and managing police academies for 25 years and is currently the Dean responsible for the Criminal Justice Training Center at Napa Valley College in California. Mr. Miraglia is the lead academy instructor in the areas of cultural diversity, hate crimes investigations, and human relations.

Mr. Miraglia is a member of the Board of Directors for the Matthew Shepard Foundation and serves as the National Program Coordinator for Stop the Hate. Mr. Miraglia is also a host on Outbeat Radio, an LGBT radio program on FM radio station KRCB in Santa Rosa, California.

In his first book, “Coming Out From Behind The Badge,” Mr. Miraglia told his own coming out story after working nearly 25 years in law enforcement. Since the book was released, he has created a website to support other LGBT law enforcement personnel who are in the process of coming out. He also created the national “Out To Protect” Scholarship Program to support new LGBT law enforcement students.

"The best law enforcement work is done by people for people. We are a profession of people and to that end we share many common human attributes including our sexuality. The variety of sexual orientation found in men and women transcends all races, ethnicities, nationalities, religions, and countries. It also transcends every law enforcement agency serving and protecting every community. It is not a choice, but rather a part of how we were created. Although it can be masked, it cannot ever be changed. It is a part of every human being who carries a badge." – Greg Miraglia, M.A. Ed.