Full Circle

by Alan W Graham



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/11/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781456701048

About the Book

The author’s first novel, Full Circle, takes the reader on an exciting journey from our distant stone age past forward to a possible future. In the past our ancestors used all their time-honed skills to survive natural climate change. Now man is faced with surviving his own assault on the earth’s climate. What does the future hold for us? The past - Wolf and his small hunter-gatherer clan are faced with the threat of natural climate change which has disturbed the balance in their forest home. He makes the radical suggestion of making a dangerous journey over the snow-mountains to reach the safety of a new land. The present - Wayne and Bill are surveying cracks in the Antarctic ice sheet when a catastrophic fracture occurs. The ice sheets melt resulting in an apocalyptic future for mankind. Twenty years later, after sea levels have risen catastrophically, the small community remaining in the Falkland Isles is forced to leave for an uncertain future. After several hundred years of privation and disasters little of their former way of life remains. The future - A small stone-age community lives in a land far to the south. Harman is taking over from Ebota as the clan priest but in the process discovers a shocking fact about their past. He agonises over what to do but eventually decides to reveal his discovery to the others. Nothing will ever be the same again!

About the Author

Brought up in the Scottish village of Lower Largo where the real life ‘Robinson Crusoe’ originated, perhaps some of his adventurous spirit rubbed off! Later he studied physics at Edinburgh University and has spent his working life teaching. From an early age he discovered the mountains of Scotland and has also climbed in Europe and further afield. One memorable experience was a week long canoe trip to the uninhabited Treshnish islands. A recent trip to the Verdon Gorge gave inspiration for this book. He has always had a wide interest in ‘the outdoors’ and has become increasingly conscious of ‘green issues’ which form a major theme of this book. Since taking early retirement Alan has had time to develop his interests including travel, painting, playing jazz saxophone, photography and cycling. For many years he has enjoyed writing about his mountaineering and hillrunning adventures (see lomondhillrunners.co.uk) and has recently been attending a local creative writing course.