Leaving It Behind

by John W. McCoy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/3/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781452099569

About the Book

Jonathan Langston is a culture-hero to many of the South Viet-namese people whom he has befriended. Under the guidance of Re-tired General Alexander Sloan and under the guise of Sloan and Langstons undercover organization called The Foundation, Jon and his Vietnamese friend, Quan, fight to destroy the drug cartels, set up during the Vietnam War, which are trying to control the banking industry in Vietnam and other countries, including America. Factored into the equation is Anh Phon, Quans wife, and Tuyet, a woman he rescued from death when she was a young girl. During their escape to safety from the North Vietnamese, an old Vietnamese woman tells Tuyet and Jon that they are destined to be together. For both of them, after years of loneliness and unhappiness, Jon swears that this mission for the general and The Foundation will be the last, so that he and Tuyet can be together. What he and Quan, and his army of mountain soldiers, the Montagnards, dont count on is betrayal by top government officials and the kidnappings of Anh Phon, Tuyet, and the general. Only through Jons shrewd thinking, and the help from his friends, is he able to save those who mean the most to him, so that he can strive to leave his former life behind and begin a new one with Tuyet.

About the Author

John W. McCoy is an American born Australian citizen, currently residing in Sydney Australia. He travels constantly researching topics for future novels in areas that have been avoided in the past. He also continues his work in the international financial world, working for numerous Donors dealing with financial crisis in tran-sitional countries. His most recent assignment was in Central Asia, working in one of the former Soviet block countries Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Soon, he will back on assignment in familiar territory - Vietnam.


He started his international travels during the Vietnam conflict, and his ventures into banking started in California after graduating from university.


He has worked for some of the major international banks in various senior positions over the past 38 years, becoming involved with many complicated situations involving huge bad debts, bank mani-pulations at senior and middle management levels and corruption within the system. His contract assignments have taken him around the world unraveling complex problems usually created by the se-nior bank executives, problems that they would prefer to be per-manently hidden from the public.


He devotes his spare time to writing about banking mysteries that the public generally never hears about. His writing talent is based on experience, turning the stories into fiction in a world of realism.