Ranching with Wyatt West

Books that Teach

by W. Todd Lindsay



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/22/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781452083414
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781481746045

About the Book

Ranching with Wyatt West is a great little book. It promotes a healthy life style, family values and ranching. It is about a young boy Wyatt and his family on a New Mexico cattle ranch. The book is a great way to promote ranching, agriculture and morals. The book is filled with what ranch life is like and funny stories. It is a realistic fiction and deals with life on a real working ranch. Ranching with Wyatt West is a must for any reader who wishes to learn about ranch life. It was wrote for middle school readers, and could be used in any classroom or just for good reading. Ranching with Wyatt is the first of a series, that promotes Agriculture. The Adventures of Wyatt West are in its finishing stages, and hopefully will be on the market early summer 2011. It deals with fire management, horse breaking, BLM, NRCS, Forest Service and many other real life experiences on a westrn ranch. The 3rd book in the series is Rodeo with Wyatt West and the 4th book will be Hunting and Fishing with Wyatt West. Please enjoy

About the Author

W. Todd Lindsay is a middle school teacher in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. He grew up a cowboy learning about ranching and horses from a very early age. Todd has proudly served our country in the U.S. Navy, and graduated college from New Mexico State University. He now resides near Truth or Consequences New Mexico in Las Palomas, Canyon with his wife Shelley, and son Wyatt. His daughter Tawney lives in Canyon, Texas with her husband Lance, and attends West Texas A&M; Todd was a member of the PRCA and other Rodeo Associations where he competed as a steer wrestler. Todd now enjoys taking his son to High School Rodeos, ranching and writing the Wyatt West series to help young people understand the agriculture and the cowboy way of life.