Stories for the Seasons

24 tales of -- courage sacrifice compassion redemption resurrection

by Chuck Warzyn



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/7/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781452092263
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781452092270
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781452092256

About the Book

Courage, compassion, sacrifice, redemption and resurrection are recurring themes in the 24 short stories that make up “Stories for the Seasons” -- tales that take place at Christmastime, Easter, Valentine's Day, Halloween, and during the days of summer.

Locales and time periods in these stories range from Southern California, the Middle East, ships at sea and Mexico to Biblical times, post-Civil War Missouri, medieval Europe and early 1900s small towns.

Facing the challenges life thrusts upon them are assorted protagonists, including a Mexican boy and a donkey he rescues from the desert, a quiet cowboy who shows hidden strengths among a group of strangers, a sailor whose love of music reaches across the Pacific Ocean, a former Confederate cavalryman forced to face his tragic past, a simple-minded field worker whose life is enriched by a friendship that lasts two-thirds of a century, a lonely widow victimized by Halloween pranksters, a sidewalk Santa Claus for whom Christmas takes on a new meaning, a European immigrant confronted by town bullies, an over-the-road truck driver who unexpectedly finds love, the shadowy resident of a mysterious mansion, an elderly school cook who offers an unexpected gift at a graduation ceremony, and a pair of animal friends that befriend a miraculous stranger.

The stories in which these characters and others appear were first published in a weekly newspaper column in Fayette County, Tenn. The column, “Country Tales,” focused on various aspects of rural life from the perspective of someone who had lived in an urban environment the first 40 years of his life. The parameters of that column allowed the author to include the 24 pieces of original short fiction printed here.

Discover the characters in “Stories for the Seasons” and rediscover within yourself the strengths they display: courage, compassion, sacrifice, redemption and resurrection.


About the Author

Chuck Warzyn has been a writer all of his professional career - as a ship's journalist and public affairs officer in the United States Navy, publications coordinator for a multi-state health care system, county 4-H program coordinator, and state case manager for foster parents. He has written numerous articles that have appeared in newspapers and magazines around the U.S. Other than a Navy cruise book, this is the first time his work has appeared in book form.

In addition to drawing on his professional experiences, Mr. Warzyn has also obtained ideas for his writing from the world of music, and from volunteer activities, including being a foster parent for more than 60 children and fostering more than 100 dogs for humane societies over the years, assisting at animal shelters, and participating in nursing home pet therapy.

Mr. Warzyn received his bachelor's degree in English from the University of Missouri in 1973. He attended the Defense Information School at Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indianapolis, where he completed programs in print, photo and broadcast journalism.

He was born in Illinois, grew up in Missouri, and has lived in Indiana, California and Tennessee. He currently resides in Georgia.

Mr. Warzyn is dedicating “Stories for the Seasons” to individuals and groups throughout the United States and around the world who are working to reduce the suffering of animals. He is donating 10 percent of his profits from this book to his local humane society, 10 percent will go to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and 10 percent will be donated to the World Society for the Protection of Animals.

Mr. Warzyn's favorite Bible verse is Matthew 25:40 -- “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”