The Muted Trumpet's Call

Stories of the Everyday Heroes of World War II

by Chuck Knox



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/8/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 488
ISBN : 9781456752156
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 488
ISBN : 9781456752170

About the Book

The stories in The Muted Trumpet’s Call are in remembrance of the United State’s entry into World War II seventy years ago. Veterans remember Pearl Harbor, the sinking of the USS Indianapolis and the sinking of the USS Pope. These stories tell of the inhumanity and fear in POW camps of the Japanese and Germans, of the up close and personal combat of the soldiers and marines in Europe and the Pacific, of the tension of the sailors on landing craft, and the airmen facing fighters of the enemy and the flak that might take their plane down at any time. They also tell of the wounds that veterans carried home for the rest of their lives, both physical and mental. We also see what WAVES and WACS contributed to the war effort.

The stories also include small town newspapers covering the war, the War Memorials in small towns and counties. We go on an Honor Flight to Washington with WWII veterans to visit their memorial and relive the Memorial Days of our lives with veteran’s organizations ceremonies at local cemeteries.

God Bless them all and God Save the Republic.

About the Author

Chuck Knox developed a love of history, as a child, from his mother when she would relate stories of a rebel great grandmother and a great grandfather who served in the Union Army.

He is a retired Senior Purchasing Officer from the University of Illinois and since his retirement he has pursued his lifelong passion of preserving stories of everyday heroes that saved this country. He has known veterans from the Spanish-American War, World War I and II, Korea and Viet Nam. The Muted Trumpet's Call is the fourth in a series of books on veterans from the Heartland.

He was selected Outstanding Citizen of the Year by the Department of Illinois, Veterans of Foreign Wars for his work for veterans. He received an Honorable Discharge from the United States Naval Reserve as a Radioman 2 serving 8 years. During this time he served on several WWII destroyers and met many WWII veterans.

This book is dedicated to the young Americans of the 1940’s.

These young people were thrust into situations that they or none of us could imagine. How they handled themselves and saved our country are stories worthy of legend and should not be forgotten. As they arrive at their final destination, I am sure they will hear the words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

May God bless them and may God save the Republic."

We should not be sad that such men are dead but rather be thankful that such men lived.
Lt. Gen. George S. Patton Jr.