Unforgettable Memories 1917 - 2001

The Random Story of My Life in Bits and Pieces

by Joe Zimmerman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/29/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781456736224

About the Book

I was 78 years old when my wife challenged me to write my autobiography. So I sat down at the table in the family room. I had a tablet, a pencil, an eraser and a dictionary. Then i sat there and said to myself this is crazy, I have no writing skills what so ever and just an elementary school education. So now what do I do? But I did have something that was invaluable and that was a memory that I could drawl on to tell my story.

This is not an ordinary autobiography. It is a series of words and pictures that in some cased are so vivid that the reader actually has the feeling that they have become part of the story. So now I invite you to come with me to share all of these unforgettable memories.

About the Author

Frederick Joseph Zimmerman, age 93, or as he prefers just Joe, tells the colorful story of his life in Northwest Indiana.