The Silent Trust

Life Story of Dr. Sandor Mihaly

by Martin Olson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/7/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781456731595
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781456731571
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781456731588

About the Book

Biography of Dr. Sandor Mihaly: Scientist, Researcher, Physician, Inventor, Humanitarian, Financier, Chairman of the Swiss Silent Trust, and a Director of the World Government. He was a man unknown to many, except for those who were and are the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world.

This book, The Silent Trust, is a snapshot of the life of Dr. Sandor Mihaly whose every day living was really behind a microscope in order to discover new medical findings, as well as to be the Chairman of the Swiss Silent Trust, and to be the Director of the World Government.

The Doctor's mission in life was to establish an international medical university that would assist mankind with new medical procedures, which would be available globally for everyone at no cost to those in need.

This same principle, as stated above, was what generated the forming of the World Government, en entity designed to prevent conflicts and wars, which could destroy the world.

The biggest obstacle to establishing a peaceful world is greed. This world is filled with the 'Haves' who only have possessions to hold, keep, retain, and control, but they have no 'Being.' Being is an idea, a person, an existence, and a life. A being is the complex combination of physical and spiritual qualities that constitute an individual, and is that which gives humanity strength and a station in life. It is important that all nations come to a mutual agreement on a new form of Global Order, that which Dr. Mihaly set as the basis for his being. For the world to not accept this goal would result in anarchy and the eventual annihilation of humankind.

About the Author

Martin Olson was born in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1926. He attended public schools and Williston Academy, East Hampton, Massachusetts.

During the Second World War, worked in a defense plant as a tracer and after the War managed the family business developing shopping centers. He left the family business to be property manager for the Sears Roebuck & Company Eastern territory.

I worked with Clark Clifford in D.C. on projects and land purchases during the 60's. After 10 years I became consultant to Baron Hilton, Hilton Hotels. In 1972 I purchased the Samoset Hotel in Maine and rebuild the Hotel Resort.

A CIA operative in Miami asked me to travel to Europe. Africa, and South America to meet government officials on projects. Later a United Nation Division had me work in Africa on medical projects. After that I received a call from World Bank to meet the Chairman of the Swiss Trust to be his assistant, which I accepted. I was the chairman's assistant for over 15 years until his death. He told me that he would retool me to think Swiss and he did. The work took me all over the world.

I have written two books, "Iron Shoes", my personal journey; and "Kaleidoscope, View of a Mad, Mad World", published by 1st Books, now Authorhouse. I am married to Iris and we live In Augusta, Maine. I am 84 years old and happy.