I Sought Adventure But It Found Me

by Reginald A Keeley-Osgood, MC



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/15/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781467891578
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 372
ISBN : 9781456770372
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 372
ISBN : 9781456770365

About the Book

In my life I have seen the horrors that happen in this world and have on occasions been present when they happened. My experiences of life give me the qualification to write my book. I have written this book for a very young boy who is very severely handicapped and who is gaining more knowledge every day. He is an inspiration to all disabled people. He also is having an adventure. I love him to bits At the moment I am retired after spending a long time with the forces and security service, so have seen a little bit of action. Again enough qualifications to write my book. The forces even gave me a few medals, which are in a case on my wall. It is a shame they have to be taken down to be cleaned. The silver ones seem to tarnish the worse. I live with my wife Ann and we spend our time between the UK and Italy.

About the Author

In my life I have seen the horrors that happen in this world and have on occassions been present when they happened. My experiences of life give me the the qualification to write my book. I have written this book for a very young boy who is very severily handicapped and who is gaining more knowledge every day. He is an inspiration to all disabled people. He also is having an adventure. I love him to bits At the moment I am retired after spending a long time with the forces and security service, so have seen a little bit of action. Again enough qualifications to write my book. The forces even gave me a few medals, which are in a case on my wall. It is a shame they have to be taken down to be cleaned. The silver ones seem to tarnish the worsed. I live with my wife Ann and we spend our time between the UK and Italy.