Rainbow Seeker

by Lee D. Gee, M.S.Ed



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/28/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781467038591

About the Book

Rainbow Seeker is a collection of short stories about different periods in the life of a teenager. Kim is an Asian American teenager, but his clashes are no different than those of any teenager. Each story depicts particular times, characteristics and virtues most teenagers, and young men and women, experience as they mature. For example, the theme in Discovery deals with the struggle of self identity and loneliness many teenagers confront, which drives them to seek a place in the group; in other words, wanting to fit in. The Cruise illustrates empathy, sympathy, and courage in challenging times. And, there seems to be at least one family outing that will always stay with us. The Black Out is just such a family outing. It demonstrates family adventure, as well as aiding a neighbor in distress. Being a part of something larger than one-self, especially family roots, is the bases for Jewel in the Desert. Finally, everyone loves a happy ending. And, even though it too was a struggle, Kim finds love.

About the Author

Lee D. Gee, M.S.Ed., has over 30 years of being involved in the lives of individuals, families, small and large groups; either as: social worker, psychological counselor, ad hoc instructor, consultant, trainer, Director, supervising clinician, or community developer. These experiences, and his travels to some exotic, interesting, and sometimes questionable places, have contributed to the development of the Kindred-Base Counseling approach, and the unquenchable desire to have a positive impact on individuals. The short stories in the Rainbow Seeker, as well as the challenges of being the father of 3 sons and grandfather to 7, offered Lee another avenue to touch the lives of young people.