This Is My Kitty Life

by Dolores Hestad



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 3/1/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 36
ISBN : 9781456720599

About the Book

This is a must have book for all animal lovers. You will have a book of your wonderful pal, best friend and companion to cherish forever. In this book, you can keep all the precious moments, special incidents, medical history, and many photos of all the fond memories shared throughout the years with your best friend.

About the Author

This is my Kitty Life……is a must have book for all cat lovers. Having a place to write favorite memories, medical history, pictures and incidents all in one book, which can be kept forever. It’s also a fun book to look back on and see all the special things you and your pal enjoyed throughout the years. This is a wonderful keepsake for cat lovers and ideal gift for friends with cats/kitty’s. Dolores Hestad is married, mother of two daughters, grandma and great-grandma living in the upper Northwest. As a young girl she lived on a small farm with many animals and always having the love for dogs and cats. It is because of the love for her best pal “Shadow”, a black Shih-Tzu that she realized the need for a memory and history book. She has also written “This is my Doggie Life”.