El Jirafante Luis

The Giraffephant Luis

by Alejandro Allen y Benjamín Rountree



Book Details

Language : Spanish
Publication Date : 5/31/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9781456739034

About the Book

Luis, part giraffe and part elephant, naturally does not fit in with the either giraffes or elephants, forcing Luis to wander the plains and jungles, longing for a friend. When Luis meets another unique animal in the same situation, Zorro, who is part zebra and part crocodile, the two hybrids experience an exciting adventure where they learn how important it is for one to exhibit kindness to everyone and how showing compassion to all pays off in the end.

About the Author

Alexander Allen and Ben Rountree are high school student athletes who been good friends since childhood. They reside in Virginia Beach, Virginia and attend Cape Henry Collegiate School where they are perennially on the Honor Roll and Headmasters List. In addition to being members of the National Honor Society, they were both elected by their peers to a seat on the Judicial Committee of their school. They play varsity sports throughout the year including lacrosse, soccer and cross country. Together they created a book to help children who may have at times felt left out or ostracized by their peers. The theme of the book is that if one responds to others with kindness, eventually their enemies will become friends. Alexander Allen, an avid artist, illustrated this book.