The Witch at NO46


by F A Guerin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/15/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781456771188

About the Book

A small group of children meet after school each day to play on their street and in each others gardens. At the end of one of the gardens is a low wall. Beyond it, among the trees and bushes, the can make out a hut. The children believe that a witch lives there. They can also see a gate leading to an apple orchard. The children decide to steal some of the apples and so begins their adventure into secrets, spells, lies, and rewards.

About the Author

I come from Limerick in Ireland and as a child I spent many happy hours playing with my friend on our street and in my sisters back garden. My story started there on a summer afternoon. As a mother of two I have over the years read many books to my children. I occasionaly made up stories for my daughter. She seemed to enjoy them and sometimes ask me to repeat them. This was a problem as I never wrote them down In 2007 I was told that I was cronicaly ill and would have to under-go a rather sevear treatment. In 2010, my husband and children moved to NewZealand and I stayed in London and moved into a registored nursing home to undergo my treatment. While there I found that I was missing my kids so much I wanted to find ways to keep connected to them. I desided to write a short story for my then eight year old boy. The original five page story seemed to grew. My treatment did not work so my decision to publish was mainly to give a special and lasting gift to my young boy Alexander before my illness catches up with me.