Book Details
About the Book
Clifton and Tricia Long are on Holiday in the Black Forrest of Germany when they become victims of a terrorist attack. The novel, within a novel, follows Clifton’s attempt to survive after witnessing a horrific incident, in which he discovers that existence probes deeper than physical reality, and that there is nothing more misleading than simple innocence. The novel within a novel consists of excerpts from a manuscript Clifton had been working on prior to his trip to Germany. Within it, he conceals elements of his former life, even though his ‘novel’ follows in the footsteps of a sadistic murderer. Delusions explores the nature of evil both historically and personally, and conjours up the notion that, subconsciously, we are all susceptible to darkness.
About the Author
Neil Baker is a novelist, short story writer, poet, artist, and world renowned psychic. Neil also holds a degree in Psychology and has been a psychodramist for a private psychiatric hospital. Neil has also managed a theater, candy store, golf store, All-night 7-Eleven and a motel. He has been a Child’s activities director, Senior Director, gravedigger and Big Foot tracker and has accomplished this variety of roles while maintaining a somewhat questionable existence within the severe, physical contours of the earth.