Because God Made a Promise to Abraham

(But Who Is the True God?)

by Buddy Selman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/31/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781456712013
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781456713119
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 332
ISBN : 9781456713126

About the Book

Because God made a promise to Abraham concerning inheriting the land of Israel, a question arises. To which line of Abraham’s descendants was the Promise made? That’s important because they worship different Gods. This poses the problem, who is the true God? This is the question of the ages concerning all claims of Deity. All things of life and death depend on that answer. This book addresses questions from the perspective that the God of the Bible through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the true God and the God of true Christianity. It distinguishes between true and counterfeit Christianity. The war that started with Satan’s attempt to dethrone God and elevate himself to the Almighty is the defining factor of conflict. Association is made between spiritual determinations and earthly happenings. The next earthly event distinguishing where we are in time is the Russian invasion of Israel. The only remaining possibility for Satan’s success is stopping God from keeping His promise to Abraham. The mid-east peace problem is not just about ownership of land, but about “who is God”? Also addressed – doctrines and theories taught in error. Dispensations, covenants, and promises are defined. How Revelation is structured and plays out is explained. ne purpose of the book is to cause the reader to “think”. Not just about things termed “religious” but in truth, how all things are related, especially “political”. Hopefully it gives insight on how to prepare mentally, spiritually, and materially for what Scripture says will happen. Evidence shows we are the generation that experiences the Biblical end times and the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham. America must choose – follow the true God or the Satanic one-world government! The book challenges the true Church to reestablish scripture as our highest authority and be about our task.

About the Author