The Final Journey

A Jenny Dewberry Series

by J.J. Olsen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/2/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 504
ISBN : 9781456751425
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 504
ISBN : 9781456751432

About the Book

The journey of Jenny Dewberry's magical life continues in the fourth book as she fights the most nefarious, evil demon ever to exist. This demon, the Emperor of the underground, the greatest Sorcerer ever, is the cause of all the corruption going on in Oceanview, where Jenny and her family and friends live.

The once safe and beautiful city is now in turmoil and is altered to blackness and despair. The minds of snippits are turning evil and are under the spell of the unknown demon that Jenny has to find. She has no idea who he is or how to find him.

The demon, King of Darkness, wants to destroy all of white magic by taking over the World of Witchery and banishing the Washena and Wizard.

Jenny comes back from rescuing the Mystic Kingdom to find her world turned upside down. Her parents are missing and may be dead. Her home is in total chaos and she is the only one who can save them. It is now up to Jenny to find the demon that is responsible for all the devastation in their lives.

The secret lies in an evil book hidden in the secret chamber in the underworld, Endfoenation, which is almost impossible to find. As Jenny becomes closer to unraveling the mystery behind this corrupt creature, it becomes more treacherous than Jenny ever could have imagined. The danger is too much for her. Is the thirteen year old witch's power strong enough to withstand the powerful demon and to fight such evilness? Can she fight off the shrewdness of the Demon of Darkness and gain her worlds back and keep white magic safe.

Read the thrilling, conclusion of Jenny Dewberry and solve the biggest mystery ever . . . who is the King of Darkness?

About the Author

Joyce Olsen grew up on a farm in western Canada. Being mostly alone as a child, she used to play make-believe games outside, behind her parents home, overlooking a forest of trees that seemed enchanted. There was a delightful, bubbly stream behind the house, flowing through the trees, which she had to cross to enter into her dreamland of fun. Her mother and older sister always told her, she had an over active imagination. She took that imagination and instilled it into her life of writing stories and poems and in raising her three children. Her passion for reading and writing has been with her all her life and her imagination has inspired her to carry out a long life dream of writing. Her ups and downs through her life, that she has experienced, has been a rollercoaster ride and has given her an outlook on life, which is, life is too short, take it to the fullest and make the best of it. Do what you love to do the most and go for it. If you have dreams, don't hold back, make them come true.

She now lives alone with her husband in a small city in southern Alberta, where they own and operate a small company. Her three wonderful children, now grown, are her inspiration, her sunshine. They are her life. The books of “The Jenny Dewberry Series” will be the writings of Joyce's imagination and her passion and will be dedicated to her children.

“The Final Journey” is her last book of the four book series, youth books full of intrigue, fantasy and total imagination. This thirteen year old girl, along with her younger brother and friends, go on adventures that Joyce has always dreamed of and imagined as a child.