Bugging in the City

by Roland D. Moore



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 7/7/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781456741303

About the Book

A delightful adventure story surrounding a Ladybug named June and her friend a little boy named Mikey. One day June, who lives in the country wishes to travel with Mikey to the big city. When June's wish comes true, she soon finds herself in trouble. This is when the heart filling chain of events takes place. June is now stuck in unfamiliar territory and wonders if she will ever find her friend Mikey again. The age level of this book is for readers 8-12 years old and is full of enjoyable illustrations to assist in enlightening the story.

About the Author

I am a new writer, hoping to become a successful author and illustrator. Most of my writing experience has been with technical literature. However, after 33 years of service in the information technology industry, I look forward in semi-retirement to pursue my passion as a writer/illustrator, with Children’s fictional books. As a graphic artist and animator, I was inspired to write “Bugging in the City”, to create a story board for a 3D movie. Having the opportunity of working in New York City and living in Greensboro, North Carolina, for the past 10 years, gave me to the idea for creating contrasting views and metaphors for the story. Since writing “Bugging in the City”, I was compelled to write a second book a sequel " Bugging in the City 2, which was recently completed. Both books were written to inspire children to read. Now I am working on a third book, which is a short auto biography and I don't plan on stopping.