Out of the Sight of Man

A Collection of Short Horror

by Kristoff N. Chester



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/24/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781456737450
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781456737436
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781456737443

About the Book

drawing from older ages of horror Kristoff n. Chester revives "cosmic horror" with a collection of short horror stories. by bringing the disturbing concepts of the 1920s pulp fiction and the gritty twisted style of 1950s comics Kristoff makes a truly one of a kind trip through madness

About the Author

Kristoff N. Chester was born on the 21ist of November in 1988. In Indio CA. Even as a child he openly displayed a love for horror. Growing up on shows like “Tales from the Crypt” and movies like “Jaws.” With such a morbid and dark interest Kristoff found it hard to make friends, he spent more time with animals then people.
Never knowing his father Kristoff was raised by his mother, Kristina M. Chester and grandparents, Wanda I. Chester and Clarence L. Chester. In 2001 Clarence passed away do to a heart attack. By this time Kristoff was in the 8th grade. The death was a heavy blow as around this time many of the dogs he had grown up with and been so close to also died.
Kristoff’s school life suffered, he went from being one of the best in his class to all F’s he found it harder to interact with others. So much so he was enrolled in therapy, when he went to Indio High school his grades fallowed. After failing at Indio high he was enrolled in the “horizon” program. A home study style educational program for ‘troubled’ students. Sadly this still was not enough to help him. After two years he was dropped from the program and sent to a retention school, “Amistad”
it was here he met Kennth Cosgrove. Kennth and many other members of the staff took notice in Kristoff’s grim charisma and pushed him to write, in one year Kristoff went from all F’s to above grade point average even become one of the top 40 students in the school.
After graduating Kristoff moved to Logansport, LA. With his sister, Tara Winchester and his brother in law Billy Winchester JR. it was here Kristoff started writing for work, getting on the best seller list on the amazon kindle with his short story "the hands"
after a year in logansport kristoff returned to indio when his mother divorced his then step father, john peek. shortly after his grandmother, passed away in her sleep do to lung failure. all this happened around the time kristoff took a online test to find a publisher.
because of this test he was found by author house publishing and decided to sign on with them.