Power of the Mind: Living and coping with psychic abilities, spiritual gifts, and paranormal information

by Renee Lloyd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/2/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9781456738549
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9781456738556

About the Book

Living and coping

with psychic abilities,

spiritual gifts,

and paranormal


About the Author

Renee Lloyd has a Master’s in psychology, is a licensed teacher, and is working on her second master’s in education. Professionally, she has worked in education for the past ten years and has held several licenses in her state. Renee graduated with the highest honors in her bachelor’s program, received a 4.0 in her post bachelorette’s program, and master’s program. Renee has held several professional titles in school and in her community. She is a perfectionist and realists; however, she believes that most things are not what they seem. She has studied multiple religions; including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Confucisim, and the martial arts. Renee has been privy to a great deal of supernatural appearances and miracles in her life and believes in faith, love, and peace. Renee is a firm believer in God and spiritual gifts. She dedicates her life to helping people in need often in unconventional and unassuming ways. Subsequently, she believes in the political science saying, which states that “no change comes about without conflict.”