Beating Cancer Can Be Fun

Cancer Fighting Strategies for first time diagnosed cancer patients

by John W. Hall



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/24/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781463403621
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781463403645
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781463403638

About the Book

How John Hall's book is different from others

**John was diagnosed with Melanoma Cancer IV, had surgery to remove 10 metasticized tumors, but afterwards was informed by his Oncologist M.D. that there was little or no hope for recovery-- since Chemo and Radiation Therapy do not work on Melanoma, John felt like he was facing immediate death in the next few months. However under the guidance of a Holistic Nutritionist he was able to rebuild his Immune System. As a result, 2 years later, has conquered his cancer.

**As an ex Premedical student, John had studied Inorganic and Organic Chemistry so that he has been able to do research on the causes, preventions, and possible cures for cancers.

**John is currently a Family Therapist in Roseville, Ca, and for the past 30 years has counseled the emotional and psychological issues of his clients. He now also counsels cancer patients related to their emotional and relationship problems.

**His major goal is to help others build up their Immune System. He believes, from experience, cancer can be cured with proper nutrition. The book cover is a microscopic image of a neutrofil swallowing the anthrax bacteria, as the best proof of EVIDENCE-BASED NUTRITION IN SCIENCE TODAY(an example of how the human immune system's defenses are what prevent diseases and cancers). Further explained in Chapter 3 of the book.

**The material he presents is brief, in summary form, and is easy to read. He makes suggestions of the best foods to eat, supplements, and healthy waters to consider.

**John learned doctors are not gods, don't have the answers to what cures cancers, and patients need to become aware that a healthy nutritional approach for their condition is a viable and doable program. He did it an won. He hopes you will too.

About the Author

John Hall, age 71, was almost "dead" after surgery. He sought out a Holistic doctor and was coached back to health with healthy nutrition and Amino acid complex, enzymes, and alkalized water. The all natural supplement foods which he recommended produced a complete recovery--free of cancer. John also spent a lot of time doing research work for a cancer ridden body. He discovered cancers cannot live in an alkalized body, but cancers, instead, love to live in a highly acid solution and of of toxic build up. He learned through Dr. Ward Joiner, Holistic Nutritionist that a blood analysis and subsequent advice on which foods to intake following the results, would enable the body to gradually heal itself. NK cells and T cells would then be able to kill the cancers and the enzymes assist to wash away the debris. With his suggestion John completed a series of detoxification treatments, the purpose of which unclogged the stuck debris which had accumulated in the gut over many years. In that way vitamins, minerals and other foods could become fully assimilated and digested. John also discovered the M.D.s in Calif have no cures for cancer. They can sometimes give patients a head start by cutting out metastisized cells, but they fail miserably by using Chemotherapy and Radiation. National Cancer Institute results show that 95% of those who had undergone Chemo or Radiation will be dead by the end of the fifth year. Why? Because they are, in the process of killing cancer cells, destroying healthy tissue which enables the body to heal itself. they are in fact disabling the Immune system from doing its job to facilitate the persons's recovery. John is committed to telling the truth to the reader, especially those recently diagnosed with cancer and their relatives. They want to know which protocols will help in their recovery. Since the medical profession (as a whole) refused to talk about Nutrition and continue their utilization of chemicals that kill, someone must speak out. Reading books such a Suzanne Sommers recent book, KNOCKOUT can awaken all of us to the truth. John's resource list of books can also help one to understand the importance of being informed in order to have specific information about causes and remedies to beat their cancer.