
The Lost Child

by Charles W. Jeschke



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/27/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 456
ISBN : 9781456736941
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 456
ISBN : 9781456736934
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 456
ISBN : 9781456736927

About the Book

Reading is my passion. I read Science Fiction, Mystery and Adventure. I have probably read over 10,000 books in my short lifetime. Since taking three years of English during High School, writing short stories which impressed my teachers, I have continued to dabble in writing a book. After I got my degree in Electrical Engineering including tutoring in related disciplines, I worked in various divisions of the department of the Navy. This got me interested in people involved in shipboard activities and how they maintain their sanity. I started writing this book in 1985, but I gave it up and being too difficult to try to put three books in one. By 2006, I decided to try again only this time I would write it as a trilogy. Now I have had several readers read it in its' various renditions and am ready to publish. Currently, I reside in downtown Seattle where I can see the mountains, the sea and the ships on the sea.

About the Author

Reading is my passion. I read Science Fiction, Mystery and Adventure. I have probably read over 10,000 books in my short lifetime. Since taking three years of English during High School, writing short stories which impressed my teachers, I have continued to dabble in writing a book. After I got my degree in Electrical Engineering including tutoring in related disciplines, I worked in various divisions of the department of the Navy. This got me interested in people involved in shipboard activities and how they maintain their sanity. I started writing this book in 1985, but I gave it up and being too difficult to try to put three books in one. By 2006, I decided to try again only this time I would write it as a trilogy. Now I have had several readers read it in its' various renditions and am ready to publish. Currently, I reside in downtown Seattle where I can see the mountains, the sea and the ships on the sea.