Portrait of a Despot

The Modern Traits

by Charles Ochen Okwir



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/31/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 440
ISBN : 9781456775681
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 440
ISBN : 9781456775674

About the Book

US Secretary of State Madeline Albright once described them as the “New Breed” of African leaders. Uganda’s ruler General Yoweri Museveni was one of them. In Portrait of a Despot, the contention, a very passionate one at that, is that Gen. Museveni is no more than a “Modern Despot”; a “slightly more sophisticated version of Idi Amin”; the type who lives and thrives in that grey area of politics beyond which you either become a democrat or an autocratic dictator.

The book also examines how Modern Despots like George Bush Jnr, Yoweri Museveni, Meles Zenawi, Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, Tony Blair, and many others who might be thriving quietly in your own country use Deceit, Public Relations, Patronage, Nepotism, Disenfranchisement, and above all, the Law as a tool of political oppression”.

With solid evidence from and or reference to Gen. Museveni’s twenty five years of egregious rule in Uganda, the book demonstrates how the mighty “Portrait of a Despot” hanging menacingly over every strand of life in a given country can have disastrous long term consequences on democracy, good governance, and the development of State institutions. Finally, it brings you to the “Scene of Crime” in some truly epic political battles between President Museveni and the country’s opposition parties and leaders.

About the Author

Charles Okwir is a Ugandan Lawyer and Journalist. Over the last ten years, he has been a prolific writer on matters concerning the rule of law, good governance, democracy, and the protection of human rights in Uganda and Africa. His articles have been published in several Ugandan newspapers including The Daily Monitor, The Observer, The Uganda Correspondent online publication, and on his own blog “A Twin-Peaks View of Ugandan Politics”. He has also been a regular political commentator on VOA’s Straight Talk Africa programme and on a number of BBC outlets including the World Service and domestic programmes in the United Kingdom. As a political activist, he has delivered papers at and addressed several political conferences and workshops in Uganda, South Africa, Sweden, France and the United Kingdom. Portrait of a Despot is the ultimate interfusion of his legal expertise and analysis, his journalistic skills, and his decade long political experiences.