"King David: 'My Life as I Remember It'"

by R. Furman Kenney



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/22/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9781463428297
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9781463428280
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9781463421922

About the Book

This book portrays the life of the great King David from a first person viewpoint. Thus it enables the reader to see the life and times of King David as though he were on the scene. It paints a verbal portrait of King David in a "warts and all" way, that is, it tells of his strengths and weaknesses. Some of the high points in his life, such as slaying the giant Goliath, his sin of adultery with the beautiful Bathsheba, fleeing from the army of his rebellious son Absalom, are vividly portrayed from his own viewpoint. This book is designed to enable the reader to understand how King David became known as a "man after God's own heart".

About the Author

The author is a native of northeast Mississippi but has spent most of his live in Virginia. He is a widower, a father of two children and a grandfather of two. In early life he served in the Marine Corps. He holds the Ph.D. in Old Testament Studies. He is the author of several books which range in subject matter from autobiography, novel, history and murder mystery. The author is known for his ability to stir the imagination of the reader through his ability to portray vividly the story through its characters.