"They Rose Above It All"

Trials, Tribulations, Triumphs

by VJ Washington



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/22/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781463401245
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781463401269

About the Book

This author writes about the ups and downs of families going through many trials and tribulations. Their situations are not unique, yet some may never tell what they face for fear of retaliation. There are many similarities in all of the situations involving each of these young people that can happen in your family. On any given day, you may find yourself in one of their situations. But know this, you can and will make it through, if you faint not. Press on, God is always in control and He will surely pull you through. These three young people went through trials, tribulations and now triumphs. All because they recognized a higher being. They had the love, bond and strength of family unity. And by the Grace of God, they never gave up. They each can testify to the outcome of their own situation. To God be the Glory. Much Love, VJ Washington, Author

About the Author

This writer has been writing for more than 20 years but only felt the urge to publish the writings in 1993. So many situations have occured in mine and my family's lives, and as I encounter others who have been through some of the same situations, I try to share my experiences with them, and in so doing they begin to realize that they are not alone, yet they too can make it through. My thoughts come from my true feelings, my heart and my dealings with situations on a day to day basis. So I feel I am able to touch lives by putting my feelings on paper, so that others will know and be better able to face their experiences while dealing with them. My heart is tender and my desire is to help others to get through their problems. I have not always been strong to deal with my problems, but over the years I have learned to lean and depend on God and I know that nothing is impossible with God who is the head of my life. I live in a suburb of Atlanta, I am the proud wife to a wonderful man of 41 years and the mother of 3 beautiful young adults who are the joys of my life. And more so are the 3 grands that have blessed me and my husband tremendously. They help to keep us young. My family and I are truly blessed and we give all the glory to God.