We are fortunate enough to be witnessing one of the greatest socio-political and religious transformations that the planet Earth has ever undergone. A correct understanding of this fact is extremely vital for modern man, so he can be mentally prepare to confront the upheavals that these changes of cosmic dimensions entail. This is the time for the realization and practical application of the ancient axiom “Man, know thyself.” Indeed, the fundamental purpose of this new dispensation is the change of paradigm regarding the relationship between a far-away, distant God and an orphaned, alienated man. The era of organized religion as a means of control and as intermediary between God and man is coming to an end; instead, we will see acknowledgement of a direct spiritual connection of each individual with the Divine Self.
This book attempts to help the reader gain a real perspective on the universal changes that have been taking place as the world entered the new millennium. The moral and psychological crisis that modern man is confronting is due to the lack of a central myth that can give him a meaning and purpose at both the individual and collective level. The Piscean Age’s myth – Judeo-Christian religion - has definitively lost power and influence in the occidental world as the carrier of a spiritual myth. Thus, it is extremely important to redefine the concepts of God, man, and the universe based on the breakthrough strides made in many scientific disciplines such as archeology, anthropology, depth psychology, perennial philosophy, quantum mechanics, biology, etc.
The atheist viewpoint of Sigmund Freud is somehow similar to that of Friedrich W. Nietzsche regarding the Judeo-Christian God. The first postulated that man created God as a means of compensation and remorse because primeval man killed the tribal father. The second stated that God is dead, and man has killed him. In both cases, man murdered the image of God; here, both are referring to the Piscean God-image. C.G. Jung ascertained that the Christian God is a historical “psychic phenomenon,” an epiphenomenon of the “collective unconscious” that evolves with time. We agree with this assertion; thus, the need to identify a new God-image and a new myth for the coming Era is essential for modern man.
During the Piscean Era, the fundamental tenet of the Judeo-Christian religion was the Biblical verse that affirms, “God created man in his own image and likeness.” This statement is definitively an anthropomorphic conception because it presupposes the idea of a corporeal God who has exactly the same attributes and features as man. Thus, to believe in this Biblical verse is to validate the criticism of the materialistic and atheistic conception that claims man creates God and ascribes to Him his attributes, hopes, and needs. Or as Freud said, the creation of God represents a child-like longing for a protective father.
On the other hand, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam sprang from the patriarch Abraham; thus, these three religions have a common origin in the covenant between Abraham and his God Y-H-V-H, erroneously rendered as Jehovah (or Yahweh). Incidentally, the Hebrew four-consonant word known as the Tetragrammaton (Y-H-V-H) does not have proper rendering in any modern language. Contrary to other religions, these three claim to be universal and dispute supremacy among one another. Ironically, the relationship among these three religions has been antagonistic since their inception in human history.
As we enter into a New Dispensation, many changes are taking place around the world that many Protestant religious leaders and some New Age writers have taken as signs of the end of the world. This book attempts to demonstrate that the challenging situation the world is facing is part of a natural cycle in human history. The political, socio-economic, and religious upheavals are necessary adjustments for the entrance into a new worldwide order of social and economic justice, which will be based on a higher level of international understanding and knowledge. Consequently, our main thesis is that the crisis the world is undergoing at the present time is a series of signals indicating that we are entering into a transitional period from one epoch to another. In other words, we are witnessing the end of the Piscean Era and the slow dawning of the Aquarian Age. Thus, our tasks are fourfold:
• To set an approximate date for the commencing of the Golden Era: the Aquarian Age.
• To delineate the sociological and religious characteristics of the Piscean and Aquarian Eras.
• To counteract the negative influence of the false predictions regarding the end of the world.
• To describe the socio-spiritual messages and meanings of these cosmic ages based on science, religion, myths, and universal symbols.
Our viewpoint is that the end of the Long Count of the Mayan calendar and the socio-economic and political upheavals the world is facing are only indicators of the beginning of a new chapter in the world; they are the signs that foretell the commencing of the Aquarian Age.
We endeavor to counteract all the wild sensationalistic and reckless speculation regarding the advent of an apocalyptic catastrophe where only the chosen ones will be saved. Our contention is that there is a huge conspiracy propounded by false prophets and some New Age writers who have misinterpreted the signs of the arrival of the Golden Age for the end-of-days; whether overtly or covertly, they intend to generate a potent collective egregor, which is a shared psychic energy, toward a negative future of the world. Modern psychology, neuroscience, and epigenetics have demonstrated beyond any shadow of a doubt that man can bring about harmful outcomes with his intentions and negative expectations. This mental energy is magnified to its utmost degree by the tremendous power of mass thinking that can lead to the creation of self-fulfilling prophecies. The idea is to neutralize the effects of this negative thinking with the truth that there is no such thing as the end-of-days. If there is any, as Jesus Christ already admonished, nobody knows it, neither the date nor the hour. Thus, there is nothing to worry about.
Historically, there have been numerous unsuccessful prophecies made by the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ leaders, especially since the year 1914. According to the founders of this organization, 1914 was supposed to be the end of the world, and only the members of this organization were supposed to be saved by their god. Lately, the radio preacher Harold Camping has mounted massive propaganda through Family Radio, pamphlets and flyers disseminated for free; in addition to his website. His predictions are based on an incorrect interpretation of the Bible; he preached with absolute certainty a religious rapture for May 21, 2011 and the end of the world for October 21, 2011. Similarly, Rev. Ronald Weinland, who calls himself “God’s prophet for this end-time,” is predicting the destruction of the world by May 27, 2012. On the other hand, the well-known author Zecharia Sitchin propounds the return of extraterrestrials – the Anunnaki—for 2012, who will generate a devastating effect on the planet Earth.
The truth is that there is no scientific or religious basis for these apocalyptic forecasts. Universal changes are taking place to accommodate the birth of new chapter in human history, the end of the Piscean Age and the commencing of the Golden Era: the Aquarian Age.