Book Details
About the Book
This is a story of two groups of teenagers who start piracy. The first group of teens are of the royal blood line. They are all mathematicians and also have special skills. They are metallurgists, Chemists, Shipbuilders, Sword-makers, Magicians, and Navigators. The second group of teens are all from condemned men. The teens and their whole family have been forcefully place upon the island. Their purpose is to load and unload warships. The island is a cleverly disguised forward base. Its purpose is disguised by a mysterious ship flying a black flag. This ship and another keep all unwelcome visitors out, as well as in. The two groups of teens unite in a brotherhood that is sealed in blood. They start a revolution that empowers the common man, and strikes fear in the royals. This multicultural crew of teens who fight for freedom, lead them to becoming the P-IRATE KIDS. So to this day whenever you hear of someone fighting for freedom. You'll find the spirt of the PIRATE KIDS, or maybe they really are Pirate's.
About the Author
Graduated from Southern Illinois University of Carbondale with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Workforce Education and Development, and a Associate in Arts Degree in Social Science from Porterville College, both in May 2008. Have a Certificate in Human Services in Mental Heath and Substance Abuse in Dec. 2001. Retired from the Submarine Service in Dec.1994. Served onboard six different Submarines and one tour as a Naval Instructor. Attended many Naval technical and management Schools. Was born in Atlanta Georgia and was raised in South Shore a neighborhood on Chicago's south side. I am married to my beautiful Josie who we have three children, Renaldo, Liz, and Monique and ten grandchildren, (Renaldo's = Isackk, Ismahel, Esai) (Liz = Antionette,Anthony, Adam) (Monique = Angelic, Julie, Alissa, Illais). This is my forth book, Ten Bears to Destiny, Death to Freedom part I & II. interior drawings were done by Angelic, Julie, Alissa, Iliais Medina and their step sister Charity Jackson. They all attend Belleview Elementary School in Porterville, Ca.