The Widow-bago Tour

a Journey of Healing

by Margaret Cowie



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/26/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781467062534
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781467062510
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781467062527

About the Book

Join Margaret, her three Siberian Huskies, a cat, and personal assistant, as they venture down a road frequently but silently traveled. A distinctive Winnebago transports her through three New England states on a unique book signing tour as she exhibits hope. After unexpectedly becoming a widow, in response to her tragedy, she published a moving memoir about her marriage and journey of loss. Due to shared experience she connected with readers and they revealed that her book had the power to heal. She was then driven to encourage others to unlock the vault of pain in which they were trapped. Laugh, cry, and witness courage and strength in finding life again. Take an enchanting stroll down memory lane; get a glimpse of how tragedy changes her, experience the mystical gifts from loved ones on the Other Side, walk with a group that has been continually told to get over it. Then, embrace the spiritual growth you receive while traveling along this inspirational journey.

About the Author

Margaret Cowie survived the unexpected loss of her husband in 2008. In response to the tragedy, she began writing as a catharsis and produced a moving memoir titled No Regrets, My Love. That books popularity, healing effects, and her ability to inspire led her to writing this novel. Her inspirational stories, verse and quotes, reveal strength and courage she never realized she had. She hopes that by speaking straight from the heart and setting a positive example, she will encourage others to follow suit in their journey of life. The author is blessed to live in a rural setting abundantly filled with opportunities to witness nature. Siberian Huskies and a cat, she and her husband adopted, continue to fill her heart with joy when she needs it most.