The Aura

by Sarah A. Schweitzer, Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/14/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781491830208
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781491830222
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781491830215

About the Book

Life, in general, continually changes. The aura energy field of light which surrounds every living human body is also changing. Currently, the dense 3rd dimensional aura field of light is being replaced with a new 5th dimensional light frequency. As our planet continues to ascend and accept the 5th dimensional frequency and light within her aura field, many individuals seeking enlightenment will experience an energy shift as their personal aura also accepts the higher light. This shift allows the potential for transformational change to occur, not only to our global planet, but also in one’s personal life. In transformation, old density threads are unwoven and are moved out of the dense aura energy field both at a global earth level, and also at the personal human level. This allows negative imprints, blocks, and emotional drama that were once stuck in density, access to the higher energy frequency. Although the potential to repeat old issues is ever present in any energy field, old imprints cannot anchor correctly in 5th dimensional light which lessens their importance as well as their ability to stabilize. Once old density issues are destabilized, they become easy to process, transition, and remove from the aura energy field. For many individuals, this can feel like heaven on earth. This book presents information that defines and explains the aura field of light that surrounds the human body. When working to transition the density of a 3rd dimensional energy aura into a 5th dimensional frequency of light, this information is necessary to know and understand. As energy shifts and transitions occur, insight is gained about blocks, issues, and negativity that have been present in density. This insight triggers transformational clearing within the aura allowing one to experience wellness and empowered living.

About the Author

SARAH A. SCHWEITZER, PH.D FOUNDER OF STAR LIGHT CONNECTION Sarah is a third generation psychic, direct voice trance channel, master healer, meditation facilitator, metaphysical teacher and speaker. She is the author of Your Guardian Angels, Soul Identification and other goodies…., and The Chakra Energy System. She is the founder of, a comprehensive website on the Lightbody Ascension Process. Although Sarah has many spiritual gifts and talents to share, her favorite is energy healing. As a certified Lightmaster Etheric Laser surgeon, Sarah is effective at matrix repair, re-aligning holographic imprints, re-connections and much more. She has received many metaphysical degrees and certifications including a Doctorate degree in Spiritual Psychology and Counseling from The College of Metaphysical Studies in Clearwater Florida, and a Master’s Degree in Education from Central Michigan University. Sarah currently resides in Michigan. She may be contacted through her website at: