Life Goes On

by Renee Lewis



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/19/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781467044219
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781467044202
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781467044196

About the Book

A young lady leaves the state in search of a peace of mind and to get away from her trouble boyfriend Kenneth, Kenneth is wanted by the police. Lisa not knowing what her boyfriend has up his sleeve. Kenneth has missing person report out on her and gets her father involve in order to save his daughter. She meets new friends who encourage her to do things that she thought she would never do. Lisa finds out her mother has been taking to the hospital. Trey's job lands him in the hospital. Her friend back in Atlanta can't wait till she return home to share all the good news. Not knowing what to expect out her sister, Lisa just wait and see. Lisa is finding out that not all man is dishonest.

About the Author

This is my first book. I love working with children I have been working with them for sixteen years or more. At time I love to be alone just to have some me time. I love to let my mind wonder off thinking of places, people and the things they do. I love to write in a way so that ever one who read my book can understand it and get a joy out it and encourage other to read it as well. Hoping that when you read my book you love me for who I am not judge me for what you read. I want to let all my sisters and one brother know that I love and appreciate all that they do and say it’s the little things that matter. When and if you find the time to read my book please don't look at me any different. Zebedee Ellis * Janie Mae Lewis Esther McCauley Minnie Petaway Barbara Lewis Julia Jackson Melinda Dixion* Christine Hayes W.B Lewis Shirley Moore and Lillie Smith. And to my parents who was always there for us West Brook* and Susie Lewis*. The Lord had brought us a long way keep up the good work and continue loving each other as a family. With love Renee.