My Wife, My Kids, My God!

by David Asbery



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/18/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 280
ISBN : 9781463447540
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 280
ISBN : 9781463447526

About the Book

William Lee Kaplan, "Kap", couch potato first, husband and father of four second, is on edge. After 30 years of marriage, he now has to face the possibility that his beloved wife, Clara, may no longer be there for him. As he sits in a pool of worry and regret, he can clearly hear Clara's repeated pleas for help. Now that her life is in the hands of God All Mighty, Kap finally makes an effort to better understand their kids. What does he do or say to his oldest daughter, Melissa, whose name has become a euphimish for "angry Black woman?" How does he make sense of his son's, Malcolm, decision to work at a lingerie shop; with a gay man mind you. And last, can he fix the bond that has been broken between his twin daughters, Brina and Tina, female counterparts of Cain and Abel? My wife, My Kids, My God! is a journey of a man and his last chance to make things right. Will Kap pull it together and finally become the father that his wife has begged him to become, or is it too late? Only God knows and right now He's not telling.

About the Author

David Asbery, a 41-year-old writer and comic, spent his formative years in a low income Chelsea neighborhood on Manhattan’s west side. He later moved uptown with his family to an area of the Bronx – a move that he describes as an uplifting experience that would eventually shape his life. The Asbery family moved into their first home and home ownership was a big step for David and his family. Leaving the projects to find a better life was significant and would be the experience he would later draw upon to write My Wife, My Kids, My God. David credits much of his childhood for his creative inspiration and cites a strong African American family as his reason for staying off the streets, out of trouble and out of jail; a fate that many of his peers did not escape. David’s mother provided the structure and his father provided a strong discipline. He shares a loving and tight bond with his older sister and younger brother. Together they gave David the courage and aspiration to fulfill his dreams of becoming a writer. In 1989, David read Terry McMillan’s, “Mama” and it was then, that he was ready to take his writing to a new level. David states, “The book touched my soul…Terry’s realistic and true-to-life characterizations made me want to do what she did as a writer.” While writing “My Wife, My Kids, My God,” David admits he knew he had accomplished the very same thing. When writing one of the chapters, David says he began to develop feeling for his characters. He remembered thinking, “I’ve done it! I have something here, these characters are real!” David Asbery has been writing for eight years. He made his literary debut in 1999, with “Bootleg” critically acclaimed New York Times best seller. He co-authored the book with legendary actor/comedian Damon Wayans and it was published by Harper Collins. In 2001, he co-authored and self published the comedy book called “What I Shouldn’t Say” with comedian and actor Lawrence Swan and in 2004 he wrote a book, Single Dads…Not Singled Out for fathers dealing with issues.