The Ease of life

A poetic journey

by Henrik Flørenes



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/26/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781456782313
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781456782320

About the Book

This book brings you closer to the easefulness of life. This unnoticeable flow, that has always been there, but not always seen. A flow that leads you onwards through life and reveals to you the subtleties of your body, mind and soul. These small poems bring you in direct contact with the changes of life, talking you through them with trust and patience. Each poem gives different perspective of the myriads of life, closing the gaps of perception. And as the energies behind these words come forwards, they sing of simplicity and laughter. A life in fearlessness, compassion and joy emerges, allowing our body, mind and soul to partake in the changes of life, gradually seeing more and more. And as thus the changes will come out from the shadows of our perception and reveal themselves. Life becomes the trustful companion it always was. So kick back, relax and enjoy this text. But most of all, know that in seeing life, nothing is needed. All is already there, and the energy is leading you forwards.

About the Author

Henrik Flørenes He studied chiropractic at Palmer College of Chiropractic and Taich with Scott Caulpetzer, a senior student of Grandmaster William C.C. Chen. These philosophies pointed to the body and as he looked into the body, he saw life. And as life revealed its easefulness he started to follow the natural flow of life, showing him how his past had led him to this moment and how life was leading him onwards through life. In this seeing, he saw the path we all were on. And as his maturity grew he started guiding others. He now lives in Oslo, Norway, where he speaks and guides in The Ease of life. He gives people the encouragement to increase their trust in life, and to allow the communication to happen, as it has happened to him.