Janitor’s Guide

A Step By Step Guide To Starting And Operating Your Own Janitorial Business, Quick And Easy, In Six Steps.

by Bruce W. Petersen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/28/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781467038300
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781467038317
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781467038294

About the Book

People’s hope for a secure future is diminishing at an alarming rate. Their faith in big business is lessening. People’s lives are in serious jeopardy when they discover that their jobs are threatened. Many are now becoming more aware that they cannot count on anyone but themselves. This book was designed to reroute your thinking and to get you started on another path, one that will lead you to a more fulfilling life. We do not want to lessen our faith in humanity. I have written this book to show you how you can own your own business and be successful at it. Please take a look and enjoy the ride that may never end; a ride that will lead you to success and a new beginning in your venture for secure employment by being your own boss. Bruce W. Petersen

About the Author

About the Author: As I grew up in the small community of Grass Valley, California, I was always told that I would never amount to anything and so became a very quiet and reserved child. And it wasn't until I left home on my own that I had to begin to show confidence if I wanted to survive. So as I struggled, I met my wife Linda who helped to see how successful I could be and so it was because of her that I started my own janitorial business. I invested ten thousand dollars in an already existing business that I purchased from a friend and from there on I realized that building it on my own was the only way. Because it was built on the character of someone else and not mine I lost most of my accounts within months. I began to realize that to continue I had to develop a strong, reliable, and hard working character. I was always a watcher and listener and this helped me to move ahead. After my 1st. Year I was beginning to grow. All of this became possible because of word of mouth and hard work. I would look for accounts that had more than one location. Before I knew it I had all the branches. So for me success was being friendly, reliable, a listener and a hard worker. I had a six figure income and employed up to six people.