Moving On
I was talking with a friend about the problems she was having maintaining her house, she is a single mom working two jobs and couldn't seem to get a handle on all the bills that come with owning a house.
This particular day she was especially upset. My friend had just found out if your grass grows to high you can be fined, she couldn't afford to pay someone to cut her grass anymore therefore, she would have to start cutting it herself. I suggested she get someone to move in with her to help her with the expenses. My friend looked at me as her eyes started tearing up and told me she doesn't have anyone and she would rather kill herself than loose her house.
I told my friend not to say this and not to worry, everything will be okay. I'm sure she thought I was just trying to console her by saying everything will be okay, but the truth is I had been through the very pain that she was so afraid to face and I knew for a fact it would be okay.
Throughout the past seven years not only did I lose my house but I lost my husband, my six figure salary, my businesses, my car, all my wealth and my mind. I've been in several self-destructive romantic relationships, lived in apartments that were dumps, and worked numerous close to minimum wage jobs. Theses years were like a slow painful death. I didn't try to kill myself, I had to find the strength and courage to move on from some of the most devastating and challenging obstacles a person has to move on from.
It is not easy which is why it's a challenge, but if you can think properly, dream, have courage, and love yourself you can move on from anything.
On my journey to reconstruct my life after so much destruction I realized I needed help to gain back all the qualities I had that allowed me to progress in the first place. I started seeing a therapist, she helped me to reconstruct my way of thinking which helped me to get my mind right. Your mind controls everything you do including self-destructive behavior.
In my case I was suffering from a mental illness called depression. My illness stripped me of my courage, ability to make good decisions, strength, self-love, and self-esteem. Once I was able to re-gain these most important qualities back they became instrumental factors in my recovery. I had to take all my negative thoughts and turn them into positive thoughts. Instead of thinking I can't or I'm not, I had to think I can and I will, for instance, I had to start thinking I can do a particular thing because I am not afraid instead of thinking I can't do something because I am afraid. I had to stop thinking I'm not going to be able to fulfill my dreams and start thinking I am going to be able to fulfill my dreams.
Everyone's situation is different, but no matter what your situation is, obstacle or crisis is, you're going to have to be capable of thinking positively, have courage, love yourself, be strong, have standards, and not be afraid to dream then you will be able to get through anything.
One of the first moves I've ever made that required a substantial amount of courage happened a little over ten years ago when my daughter was in pre-school. As I was picking up my daughter from school I noticed her little head was lying on the desk while the other children were on their mats taking a nap. I asked one of the staff members why wasn't my daughter laying down? She told me her blanket wasn't clean. I started yelling so loud that I woke up every child in the place. I told this staff member and everyone else that was listening I had just bought my daughters blanket the day before and I just heard the most stupid excuse I've ever heard in my life. I then said I had better take my daughter and go before someone gets hurt. My daughter and I left and never returned.
I was now faced with the obstacle of not having childcare so I started looking for other pre-schools but didn't find any I approved of. My family was helping by watching my daughter as I was looking for a new pre-school, but they had jobs of their own so I did what I had to do and quit my job.
At this time in my life my mind was sharp. I was brought up in a home where dreams come true so I knew how to dream. I understood how important it is to have courage to progress in life and make your dreams come true, otherwise you'll be crippled by fear and unable to move on. I loved my daughter and I loved myself. I had all the ingredients I needed to move on with my life, with or without a job so that's exactly what I did.
I thought of a plan to ensure I could work and my daughter would have childcare. I took a few classes at a local college for six weeks on how to start a daycare center I registered my new business and passed out some flyers in the neighborhood. Before long I had started my first business, had a job and no longer had the obstacle of not having child care for my daughter.
Possessing the following qualities will enable you to do anything that you want to do. What the mind can conceive the body can achieve.
· Be capable of thinking properly
· Have courage, face your fears. Don't be afraid to meet the challenge of obstacles. This is the only way you will make it through your journey in life. Life is full of obstacles you cannot avoid them
· Love yourself enough to know you deserve to live the best quality of life possible. You deserve to be happy and laugh. You deserve to love someone whose worthy of your love and who loves you the way you deserve to be loved.
· Don't be too proud to seek help when you need it, even therapist go to therapist for help.
· Learn how to let go of unhealthy relationships and be forgiving. You will never be capable of moving into the future if you can't forgive and let go of the past.
· Try to always have a plan of action. Your life will flow much easier if you plan out where you would like to go and what you would like to do.