Wendy Goes to Junior High School

by Christy W Nobella



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/27/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781467026505
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781467026512

About the Book

Wendy has mixed feelings about starting Junior High School. She wants to be popular and fit in by wearing the right clothes and saying and doing the right things. One minute she hates boys and the next minute she finds boys are pretty exciting, even Russell Rogers who has bullied her all her life. Being a teenager is definitely a confusing and challenging job! See what happens when the most popular boy in the school asks Wendy to dance and the most popular girl gets jealous of Wendy! Don't miss this exciting story combined with laughter and a touch of romance that will keep you wanting to read more!!

About the Author

Most of us wouldn't want to repeat our Junior High School years. Having survived Junior High School, I have pulled from my own embarrassing experiences, as well as others, and have created a fun story of courage, a little romance, and have added some comic relief to keep the story entertaining, along with providing hope to anyone struggling through Junior High or who is now a survivor and wants to relive a unique time of their life. Join Wendy as she stands up to the popular bully and finds out she can be popular in her own way and find romance along the way! I live in Utah, was blessed with a loving husband, and have 5 amazing children.