New England Home

by Gloria M. Chartier



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/12/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781467036337
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781467036320

About the Book

Home is the place where the people you love and have loved you are still there. They might not be still around to be told how much you care but the recesses of the mind hold all things in life so dear and we all have the memories of when we were young and how we lived not only then but throught out all of our lives. This book is about my family but it could be yours. It is so interesting how our lives intersect.

About the Author

I was born and raised in Mansfield Massachusetts. I married in 1953 to my husband William who died on August 10,2008. We had 52 years together. We raised 3 children who gave us 8 grandchildren 7 grandsons and 1 granddaughter. We also have 5 great grandchildren with one on the way. Our grandchildren live from Michigan to Lousiana with most of them still in New England. My daughter, lives in Maine and I have one son here in Rhode Island with another still in Massachusetts. I now live here in Rhode Island but for the previous 15 years I resided in Florida and before that Massachusetts. What qualifies me to be an author? I love to write and find my best expression in poetry but I have written prose also and thought my next book if this one was successful might be about our life as a family. I write about my life, my family, places where I have lived and things I have encounted along the way. I love nature and the Lord and have included all of my loves in the book. It is entitled "New England Home" and I began it when my children were young so there is about 50 years of work into this. I have been told by many people I should try to get my work published but never thought I would try as it involved money I really don't have but thought I would take a chance on this. I am not really a gambler but thought I would like to get the work in time for Christmas to give to my children and my only sibling. Thank you so much for the chance. Sincerely, Gloria M. Chartier