Heart at Work

Stories About Speaking From the Heart at Work

by Cynthia Mary Heelan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/7/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9781477261972
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9781477261989
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9781477261996

About the Book

When people feel free to speak with authenticity, from their heart—at work—without fear, their workplace becomes a place inspired by shared purpose. Workplace productivity is marked by extraordinary quality. In Heart at Work, explore real stories that will inspire you to want to make speaking from the heart the norm, not the exception.

Several practitioner/authors describe and tell actual stories about their own work. A toy manufacturer describes the connection to their customer, children, through play. A soldier describes how his struggle to survive PTSD, enables his ability to support other soldiers. An artistic director and choreographer reveals the transformation that occurs when dancers share in the creative process. College presidents describe their increased ability to open their hearts and then increased staff and student success as people become more engaged. A Medical doctor describe how their own personal transformation impacted his medical practice. Authors describe the ways their inner work and then meaningful sharing with colleagues, results in innovation, creativity and positive action, including better service to clients.

“If you want to bring your whole self to work, to live a seamless life with mind and heart aligned for the tasks before you, you will find a wise and gentle guide in Heart at Work. Hafiz long ago wrote: ‘Love is the great work, though every heart is first an apprentice . . .’. This gem of a book brings these words to life through authentic stories that illustrate, inform and inspire the reader to create their own authentic life’s work.” Henry Emmons, MD, Author, The Chemistry of Joy; The Chemistry of Calm; and The Chemistry of Joy Workbook:Overcoming Depression Using the Best of Brain Science, Nutrition and the Psychology of Mindfulness, Integrative Psychiatrist, and Health Care Leader. 

About the Author

Dr. Cynthia Heelan brings the knowledge, experience and credibility of providing organizational leadership at several levels as well as working with national forums and individual clients. She is co-author, with Gail Mellow, of Minding the Dream: Process and Practice in the American Community College. One of Cynthia’s life goals is to support transformation within herself and with others.

Cynthia lives in St. Paul, Minnesota and loves to dance, go to movies and do anything near her beloved Mississippi River.

Dr. Cynthia Heelan is a retired president of Colorado Mountain College and an organizational consultant. She is co-author with Dr. Gail Mellow, of the book, Minding the Dream: Process and Practice or the American Community College. She assists educational organizations to lead and plan in ways that engage the entire institution’s heart and voice. She was President at Colorado Mountain College from July, 1993 to November, 2002; over a period of 30 years she served as an associate dean and as a vice president of community colleges in Minnesota. She is a Past Chair for the American Association of Community College Board of Directors and past Board member of the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Accrediting Association, the Colorado Rural Workforce Consortium Board, the Community College Research Center at Teachers College, Columbia University; Past Chair of the Colorado Literacy Commission, and the Minnesota Association of Continuing Adult Education, and member of numerous state, regional and local boards and advisory groups. She currently serves as board chair for Battery Dance Company of New York City. She is preparing a new book for publication: Speaking From the Heart at Work: Co-Creating Inspired Organizations.

Dr. Heelan holds a Ph.D. in policy analysis and administration and a Masters Degree in Adult Education from the University of Minnesota. She was an Archibald Bush Foundation Fellow in the College Management Program at Carnegie Mellon University where she completed post-doctoral study.