By means of a study which can be considered as a fundamental “imaginary” scientific research regarding the state of the world in time and space, "Mankind, whereto?”, I have discovered the secret, the cause which led the man, endowed with the thinking ability - the common nominator of the entire human species - generated the historical process of the organization of life and activity–of the human species in an “unjust” world, in which some people cannot benefit from what the nature has to offer. The secret, the cause of the state of the world in time and space in an “unjust world”, which once it appeared in the slavery epoch, Continued its existence historically under the form of a “historic chain”, having a length of thousands of years and, unfortunately, continues to lengthen, it is “the law of nature and humanity”, which has its own course, regardless of the man’s will and wish.
It is not a real man, it is not a social class the cause of the secret which gave the world the form and content of an “unjust world", the source and the engine, which gave the world a shape and content of "unjust world", it is the law of nature and mankind".
The attempts of many intellectuals throughout the history to influence the common thinking in finding the necessary paths and means to change the world from an “unjust world” into a “just world”, in which the life and activity of the human species develop in consensus with the laws of nature, could not be accomplished, for: since thousands of years, the intellectuals of historical times, the great thinkers imagined the state of the world through the “effect of the cause”, the cause remaining unknown for thousands of years.
The absolute truth – source and engine - which gave and continues to give the world its shape and content in time and space is the law of nature and mankind.
I have discovered this law, which seems to be the most important law from the history of life and activities of the human species, by using the manner of thinking of many intellectuals of the historical times, by making use of the historical events during my life time, by analyzing my way of being and of many others fellows of mine whom I met, discovering the way they think, the way they work and how do they change depending on certain circumstances.
On such grounds, I gave a characterization of the man, which offers suffice elements in order to discover and perceive the nature and interior of the man, and the three processes that generate these, which define the man's nature and interior.
The discovery of the law of nature and of the mankind, knowing it and perceiving it as a conjugated action of the man's forces with/and the laws of the man who dominates him, action which function independently of the man's will and desire, I have come to the conclusion that the law of nature and of mankind leads the man, without wanting it and without even realizing it, on the "waves” of its motion and self-motion.
The real man cannot influence the action of the law of nature and of mankind, out of his own biological organism, not even in the moment when he knows and understands the law, but he can control it by means of the “mechanism” through which it operates: the organization and labor work at the level of state administration. This work should be given the necessary shape and content for the law of nature and mankind to operate only to the benefit of man, of human society and of environment. To this purpose I have invented “THE LIVE PROTECTION SHIELD”, to give to the work of organization and management at the level of state administration the necessary content, so that the life and activity of the human species function in consensus with the laws of nature.