The Jewish Folk Legend of the Reznik family
Book Details
About the Book
A life story of a Middle-Ages Jewish scholar, who was so perfect, that his very birth needed a supernatural intervention. The scholar is to experience a long, convoluted chain of ordeals, misfortunes and adventures in order to accomplish the mission of his life. However, the book is concluded by happy end, as the hero succeeds ultimately to bring salvation of blood libels and pogroms to the Jewry of entire kingdom. The book "Gerary" emerged from the legend narrated by my late father at my early childhood. The publicity of "Gerary" began back at 1992, in Russian language, on Israeli soil. Lot of people told me after having read "Gerary" that that reading was one of the best experiences of their life. Some of readers shared with me their secret that the optimism radiated by "Gerary" helped them to overcome a deep personal psychological crisis, being caused by whatever circumstances: political, or romantic, financial or medical. Major Israeli newspapers reprinted great parts of this book, in Russian, as well as in Hebrew; but only at 2012 "Gerary" had finally reached the world-wide tribune, through AuthorHouse's advanced publishing technology, and its highly professional, dedicated personnel.
About the Author
Author is a Practical Electronics Engineer with 30 years of experience in the field, mostly in Research & Development. Author experiments continuously with the magic of written words since he was seven; mostly with poetry. Author's most amazing literary experience (as reader) was to discover that Ashmedai, King of Demons (Satan) had weep on meeting a bridal party. Being questioned by the King Solomon on the cause of his tears, Ashmedai, the source of cruelty (!), excused himself by explaining that the bridegroom was doomed to die five days only upon his wedding party. And the wisest of men was not even surprised. Author had read that passage of Talmud with tears in his eyes: earlier that day a terrorist had shot to death from close range a groom along with his bride and several guests…